Houston, Tx

Welcome to the PieRat Cove

Home of PieRatKing and his Crew

“The Wrong Direction”

So I was sitting listening to random music the other day and came across this little diddy, not my usual musical choice mind you but you know how the streaming services are they will just play something that they deem similar to what you are listening to and make you question what algorithm decided that …

♫Don’t go changing my art! If you do I may just cry♫

*WARNING: This post contains controversial subject matters, please take the time to read through and not jump to conclusions.* We live in a day and age where my favorite Saturday morning cartoons are gracing the Silver Screen, drawing in millions of dollars in revenue. Where the graphics of video games make the ones I played on …

It’s Been One Week, Since I got you… Black Ops 4 Review

                     Last Week, Activision dropped their annual edition of Call of Duty to the likes of $500 Million on launch. To me that is not surprising. The Beta was getting a lot of love from streamers and youtubers, blackout mode seemed to appeal to both the …

Hola, Willkommen, and Howdy

     This is the first post of PieRatKing’s TL;DR. and I want to explain the purpose, and give a little background to myself. Firstly, the introductions.     My name is PieRatKing (pirate king). I am a video game streamer, and a partner on Microsoft’s Mixer platform. I have been streaming since 2016, …