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2018 The Game Awards (Recap)

Home of the PieRatKing and his Crew

2018 The Game Awards (Recap)

So the annual Game Awards has come and gone. The show was better than it has been in years, and there were some highs and lows. The live music was fantastic with some of the greats in video game music performing. Minus the Devil May Cry song that sounded like whomever was on the soundboard couldn’t operate it properly. There were some fun trailers, one that made me scratch my head and the odd choice of music for the new Mortal Kombat game. Epic launched their new game store during the show, and announced quite a few games that would be exclusive to the Epic Game Store to include Ashen, and Rebel Galaxy Outlaws (a game I am super excited about). So Before the awards I made my predictions and we will run through those picks and how they ended up!

Game of the Year: God of War
    This was my pick, and I did’t screw it up. Even though I thought it could go either way to GoW or RDR2.

Best Ongoing Game: Fortnite
    I mean, did we expect anything different? It is the hotest game in the world right now…

Best Game Direction: God of War
     I predicted RDR2, and not surprised God of War won. Sooo it is a win anyways. Both games were fantastic and deserve any of the accolades the receive

Best Narrative: Red Dead Redemption 2
     Well I got this one wrong. I picked Detroit: Become Human because I thought with it being on the list so many times it was bound to sneak one award. Also I loved the story of RDR2, it is one of the things I enjoyed most out of the game i have put many hours into.

Best Art Direction: Return of Obra Din
       I picked RDR2, because even if it isn’t your type of game, even if you dislike westerns, and even if you just found the story boring, you have to admit the art work was freaking fantastic. I haven’t seen anything of Return of Obra Din, but honestly I am never against dark horses stealing awards from AAA titles

Best Performance: Roger Clark as Arthur Morgan (RDR2)
       I picked Christopher Judge, and honestly thought he was going to win. But I do think it could have gone to any of the voice actors on the list. So Bravo Roger.

Best Indie Game: Celeste
       From what I heard it was a fantastic game. From what I have seen it definitely has a interesting premise. It was nominated for Game of the Year, so kind of a no brainer it would win Best Indie. 

Hopefully The Game Awards will recognize even more indie’s next year, I hope it will be better than this year, but there you have it, I Got like maybe 2 predictions correct, definitely don’t take my advice when it comes to stocks and lottery numbers.  The next article will be a Year in Review of all the highs and lows of 2018. If there are any in particular you would like to see my comments on hit me up on twitter.

Love and Tentacles,


Comments: 1

  1. Yesbet88 says:

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