Houston, Tx

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Home of PieRatKing and his Crew

Trolling, Trash Talking, and Tolerance

I have a few confessions to make to you my wonderful reader. I am a competitive person. I grew up the oldest of nine children, and this led to always competing with my siblings for the attention of my parents and even other siblings. I also played sports growing up, baseball, soccer, tennis, football, were …

Respawn, the unwanted child.

Back in 2013 Microsoft released it’s first version of the Xbox One, with a few titles like Ryse taking full advantage of the next generation console. EA wanted their own game that was for the Xbox One and pushed developer Respawn to release a multiplayer only Titanfall much to the chagrin of shooter fans. Now …

Break Ups are always hard, except when they aren’t!

News broke today from Bungie on their twitter in a simple tweet that says so much.: Today, we’re announcing plans for Bungie to assume full publishing rights for the Destiny franchise. Read the full story at https://t.co/nxcJOVXAv6.https://t.co/RyD1jvi0hW pic.twitter.com/giFKmkyc9y— Bungie (@Bungie) January 10, 2019 After reading this tweet, one song has been playing in my head …

2018 a Weird Year

Well it is December 31st. Tomorrow is the start of a new year, and with 2019 comes the likes of Cyberpunk 2077, Skull and Bones, Anthem and a plethora of video games looking to rival the amazing year of games that have came out in 2018. But 2018 has been an interesting year, if you …

2018 The Game Awards (Recap)

So the annual Game Awards has come and gone. The show was better than it has been in years, and there were some highs and lows. The live music was fantastic with some of the greats in video game music performing. Minus the Devil May Cry song that sounded like whomever was on the soundboard …

“We Are The Champions” Annual Game Awards!

December 6th is right around the corner, and that means The Game Awards is going to be broadcast world wide at 2030 hrs EST on YouTube, twitch, mixer and many other places. I have weird feelings about award shows. Something like the Oscars makes me unreasonably irritable, I feel like it is a giant fluffing …

I’m only happy when it rains.

There is a song by the group Garbage called Only happy when it rains. It is one of my favorite songs to listen to and has been for years. It is a song as Shirley Manson (Lead singer of Garbage) describes as, “…about wanting love, but knowing that life will always get in the way, …

Give me a home where the buffalo roam!

Last week Rockstar released their much anticipated Red Dead Redemption 2. There was much hype going into this release from fans and journalist alike. After sinking in 33+ hours into it myself, this game is as good as I had hoped. I will state this right here, Red Dead Redemption 2 is Game of the …

“The Wrong Direction”

So I was sitting listening to random music the other day and came across this little diddy, not my usual musical choice mind you but you know how the streaming services are they will just play something that they deem similar to what you are listening to and make you question what algorithm decided that …

♫Don’t go changing my art! If you do I may just cry♫

*WARNING: This post contains controversial subject matters, please take the time to read through and not jump to conclusions.* We live in a day and age where my favorite Saturday morning cartoons are gracing the Silver Screen, drawing in millions of dollars in revenue. Where the graphics of video games make the ones I played on …