Houston, Tx

Welcome to the PieRat Cove

Home of PieRatKing and his Crew

Trolling, Trash Talking, and Tolerance

I have a few confessions to make to you my wonderful reader. I am a competitive person. I grew up the oldest of nine children, and this led to always competing with my siblings for the attention of my parents and even other siblings. I also played sports growing up, baseball, soccer, tennis, football, were …

2018 a Weird Year

Well it is December 31st. Tomorrow is the start of a new year, and with 2019 comes the likes of Cyberpunk 2077, Skull and Bones, Anthem and a plethora of video games looking to rival the amazing year of games that have came out in 2018. But 2018 has been an interesting year, if you …

Give me a home where the buffalo roam!

Last week Rockstar released their much anticipated Red Dead Redemption 2. There was much hype going into this release from fans and journalist alike. After sinking in 33+ hours into it myself, this game is as good as I had hoped. I will state this right here, Red Dead Redemption 2 is Game of the …

It’s Been One Week, Since I got you… Black Ops 4 Review

                     Last Week, Activision dropped their annual edition of Call of Duty to the likes of $500 Million on launch. To me that is not surprising. The Beta was getting a lot of love from streamers and youtubers, blackout mode seemed to appeal to both the …